Fantastic Fall Colors at The Duke Gardens In Durham

The Duke Gardens in Durham Fall Colors Mums

The Duke Gardens in Durham feature fantastic Fall colors this Autumn season. Located within 2 miles of Morehead Manor here in Durham, our bed and breakfast guests need only take a 6-minute ride to this world-famous attraction. 

This year, the 8,500-acre Duke University with its renowned Gothic architecture and its 50-acre Duke Gardens (with both landscaped and wooded areas) were named No. 1 in “The 35 Most Pristine College Campuses in America” on  

Winner of the 2018 Experts’ Choice Award from Trip Expert (fewer than 2% of attractions worldwide receive this award). Based on more than one-million reviews from 85 different publications, the award is bestowed on only the very best attractions. Unlike other awards, Experts’ Choice is unique in that it takes into account only professional reviews in travel guides, magazines, newspapers and other respected sources.

Winner of the Durham Community’s Golden Leaf People’s Choice Award for their Piedmont Prairie Classroom at Sarah P. Duke Gardens’ Blomquist Garden of Native Plants. The People’s Choice Award was selected by public vote from the nominees under consideration for any of the award categories for 2018 (which were 22 different places in the Durham community). With voting open from March 1 to March 16, over 6,000 votes were cast for this award.

“It’s an honor for an architect to work with clients that are so committed to a purity of purpose. Their desire was to use the timbers harvested directly from the cleared site to design the Piedmont Prairie Classroom. Based on our schematic design the timbers were cut to basic lengths and set aside for drying and grading. Concurrently we completed the design for the classroom. We wanted to create a perch with a scrim from which to observe the prairie and the prairie wildlife in all its wonder. Upon first glance it appears simple and unassuming and as one approaches the structure it is clear that the splay of the columns, the rise of the ridge and the descending eave all add a delightful complexity to the project.”

Architect: Ellen Cassilly Architect, Inc.
Landscape Architecture: Sarah P. Duke Gardens Staff
Structural Engineers: Gardner & McDaniel, P.A.
General Contractor: Mullberry Restoration
Owner: Sarah P. Duke Gardens

The Sarah P. Duke Gardens‘ Fall Plant Sale will be held on Saturday September 29, 2018. Open to the public from 9 am to noon. Admission and parking is free. 

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